Hair Extension
We know what many think, hair extensions cost a lot, thousands! False! Most have a preconceived notion that hair extensions are either cheap and look fake or are extremely expensive and costs thousands. The good news is that, there is a middle ground when it comes to hair extensions, affordable hair extensions that look good and last.

Number of sessions: 3 Weekly Sessions

Duration: 01 - 02 Hour

Pain Level: 0/10

Consultation Needed: Yes

Practitioner Certified

Appointment Needed




Hair Extension

We know what many think, hair extensions cost a lot, thousands! False! Most have a preconceived notion that hair extensions are either cheap and look fake or are extremely expensive and costs thousands. The good news is that, there is a middle ground when it comes to hair extensions, affordable hair extensions that look good and last.

Hair Works Price Time (Minutes)
Hair Extensions P.O.R. 1-2 Hour